Our monitoring station called all american monitoring offers a wide variety of services, catering to all your needs.
Serving customers nationwide, since 1973. With many years of experience, we realize how important each and every customer is. We will handle each of your accounts with the individual attention they deserve. We are focused on our monitoring and do not buy or sell accounts.
With the highest standard of customer service in mind all telephone voice lines are recorded. This removes any element of doubt as all calls can be checked for accuracy. To avoid any confusion to our customers all incoming calls are answered with the greeting "Cherry hill alarm".
Each customer is issued one of our reserved 800 numbers so you are ready to go online the day you sign up. You will be notified daily of all emergency signals via phone. To assure accuracy your customer information is available to you through the Dealer Access Module 24 hours a day.
Thank you in advance for the opportunity to serve you.